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Advancing Maryville’s Digital World

Blockchain – Advancing Maryville’s Digital World


About Maryville’s Blockchain Technology

Blockchain emerging technology brings students and alumni the freedom and security of owning their personal information in the digital age. Maryville is one of the first universities in the world to support the use of this technology for transcripts and digital diplomas.

Maryville University has implemented blockchain transcripts and diplomas, empowering students to own their learning credentials. This service helps our students easily access, share, manage and verify their degree diplomas, transcripts and other learning achievements.



Blockchain Updates

Maryville now offers blockchain transcripts and digital diplomas, allowing alumni to securely own their learning credentials. Owning their own learning credentials through blockchain technology allows alumni to easily access, share, manage and verify their transcript and diploma. For example, with blockchain, students only need to request their transcript once to use it as many times as they need throughout their career.

  • Blockchain transcripts and diplomas are tamper-proof and can be shared and verified easily and securely. In this format, alumni own and control their learning credentials so they can decide what they want to share and with whom. Sharing can be done easily and securely from a personal device.
  • It only takes seconds to verify Maryville credentials on blockchain instead of days or even weeks, and verification of immutable credentialing records is free for recipients such as employers and universities. This saves time and loss of candidates from extended waiting periods using traditional verification methods, supporting potential employers of our graduates to acquire talent in a timely manner and with confidence.
  • The verification process answers questions about the credential’s integrity and validity:
    1. Is the credential the same as when the issuer issued it? (i.e. how do I know it wasn’t tampered with?)
      The verification process ensures that the credential you see wasn’t tampered with by comparing hashes with what is registered on the blockchain. It also confirms that Maryville University was the issuer of the digital diploma or transcript.
    2. Was the credential revoked?
      The verification process ensures the credential wasn’t revoked. A credential may have been revoked by Maryville University if it contained errors or was issued mistakenly.



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